Monday, November 03, 2008


i went home for Diwali , i did a lot of adventure and took a lot of effort to reach But then going home is never an effort. sorry sir.. it took a lot of effort from my parents who were constantly worried about me and my travel ... as i adventured to my home.

however Diwali was touching with the touch of love and the tension of happiness .. yes happiness is in a state of tension till it breaks into a laughter :) ....

Diwali was touching for my elder brother was home after many years..

but you know DIWALI is celebrated on the day of NEW MOON NIGHT.. a DARK NIGHT.. yes it was sad.. all the sons and daughter in my colony have left town and the parents wait for their sons and daughters to return home on Diwali and as the children leave (their parents waiting for their return) the parents often tell their children "it was good that you could come, it rejuvenated us and we loved this time together."...this is the dark moment... i hate modern life and economics for doing this to us. i wonder why do parents have to bear this pain ... when growing up a child is enough of a pain in itself and seeing them go away for their lives and destinies.

DIWALI is definitely a dark night.... hope the diyas will bring in light. Ganesha are u reading?


No Braniner is back here said...

hmm well dont you think we are also one among them?

jughead - The Mystic Traveller Prince said...

it is written from the heart of one such child.. that i am myself.. and it pains me .. all the parents in the colony were discussing that there are no children left.. the girls are marrying and going and the guys arent there so even if they marry the colony remains empty..

No Braniner is back here said...

true true very true

Anonymous said...

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(Posted by Net3 for R4i Nintendo DS.)