A chance discussion which i was making animated just for the sake of it led to certain questions that i present here. We were talking of shopping for a marriage and the bride's desire to look very different in an event that is once in a lifetime ( well for most of us in india it still is!).
my dear friend kept on telling me that the bride needs to shop for about a two months in advance for the ceremony and i enquired "what all does a bride need to shop for?". the unobvious answer was "dresses and accessories". unobvious cause if it takes two months to shop ,
you'd expect someoene to procure clothes for a UN initiative for the whole of Africa in the time duration. however as things are they are ! lols. Making my point clear that its only dresses that need to be bought my next questoin was "How many dresses does a bride need?" again the unobvious answer was 2-3 special ones for the marriage and about 10 for the week or so succeeding ceremonies when people and relatives come to "look" up the bride lols as if a new item has come in for display. so its 13 dresses takign 2 months to get bought and i was also informed that 90% women never wear these dresses more than once or twice ! such a criminal waste of money , i could float a civic organisation in that money and benefit 1 million people over the life of my marriage ! however things are ..they are...

so i asked my dear friend how much time does she need to shop for her dresses usually.. and she says she shops once in four months.. and can buy stuff for the whole year in one day.. my brain cells irked nad twitched ..."why is bridal shopping so inefficient and a criminal waste of time?" we are not celebrities that we need to work on one dress so much .. as if for a designer event lols. the marriage as a designer event is fun .. especially considering that the purpose of marriage is to "solemnise" a relationship between two people or two families.
never the less my worst rebellion was saved until later when i told my friend "its all about showbiz.. there is so much about shopping only to "look good" ( as if your confirmed you never look good otherwise!) and to "show" to people that you too can look good (reminds me of ratatouille.. anyone can look good). The most wonderful thing is that every girl as a bride wants to look different and in her effort to look different does exactyl the same things as a billion other brides and ends up looking exactly like a billion other brides.
So are we doing the wrong things for marriage ceremonies? or are we misinformed of our own desires? or is there a mismatch between actions and desires? or is it that we have forgotten that marriages are solemnised and the celebrations are ought to happen once they are successful adn not anticipating the success which might come or might not come. but most importantly why do we all want to different when to everyone we keep telling "i'm just liek anyone else!" why is it so easy to say and hard to believe that im just like anyone else - possessing the ability to do things my way .. even if its just way a billion other people do it. !
:D i hope it is far away from the eyes of someone special !!!! ;) very true the big fat Indian wedding is criminal waste of money not only the bridal trousseau but the endless ceremonies and vayvahar .. but few people have the courage like madhukarji and tripti bhabhi to take a different course... and as they say you are unique like everyone else ..
oh btw waiting for your IRMA blog !!
Lols, lols, lols! (and one more bonus lols - that's for the comment by Manisha jee) :D
yes, criminal waste of money.. and mostly not dresses for just yourself, but everyone else too (relatives. When people get married, so many people appear out of nowhere :D )
You have to buy for all of them believe me, in numbers, the stock is no less than the amount UN would need for BPL village tsk! khee khee
its just for one big day of one's life dear.. nothing wrong in going GRAND..
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