This comes in very late for a year that might be so important.. but better late than never.. this continues my tradition of naming every year and working it around a theme and that helps me organize my life. A quick recap on this :-
2006 - The year of the 'Transformation'
2007- The year of the 'Rising'
2008 - The year of the 'Making'
2009 - The year of the 'Realization'
2010 - The year of the 'Blossoming'
2011 - The year of the 'Consolidation'
and now it is only likely that after consolidating .. new life and new beginnings ought to be made in this year.. and yet there has to be a precursor to growth. This year can be nothing but the year of the 'GERMINATION'.
'Germination' arises from preparation and also sowing of seeds and irrigating them . The Vedas says that new life is created only when fire and water come together . Thus this act of germination is going to be interesting for the times to come. What we sow is what we reap and out of what we sow .. we germinate few ...and even fewer see the light of day and grow into something tangible and productive later on with time.
Germination is therefore the cusp for the past and the future and is firmly the present and this is how i can expect this to be. However, Germination can be a lot more and can be described in many other ways as well and only time will tell how this turns out to be in actual apart from expectations. It is this very uncertainty about germination and life that fascinates me as a cause for evolution and therefore survival. I am also eager to learn what changes in this process necessary for survival and being poised for growth.
I look forward to new beginnings which might be small but are connected to the strong branches of the past and grow to become the strong branches of the future.
To sum it up, Germination can be representative of precursor to growth, life , evolution, survival and success, and a cusp between the past and the present. Germination also represents a lot of fulfillment of hope and faith and leads to expectations. Only Time will tell how this goes for me and all those with me..
would you also then go on to even partly support the notion that one might attempt as many things, as many times as possible for maximum scope for germination?
@priyanca ...nah...figure out what is suitable for what base medium.. and then repeatedly try to perfect the conditions and inputs for germination..
variety helps when u dont know what is suitable for the base medium.. that is serendipdity and not probability .. what i mean is once u know what is needed to be done.. its about doing it well so that the probability of success goes higher...
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