I met an unusual soul last year. On campus it was a usual night to the other mess for dinner ...usually alone apart from two interns Sidharth and Anirudh form IIIT Allahabad who made my summer worth the mess by transforming their lives. Only this night it rained. i was waiting for the rain to get a little less as i wanted to get wet ( i love the rain falling on me) and also didn't want to spoil my already too old mobile which was counting its last few months.
i was joined in my long walk from one corner of the campus to another corner by an unlikely partner - a young beautiful girl who got talking to me. What struck me was her confident manner of talking and her smooth way of being comfortable while talking beyond introductions to expressing joys from her inner self. She was going to receive her first ever stipend the next day and was excited about her first earning :) , we parted ways as we reached our dorms (hostels) after a seven to eight minute walk and talk . i had jokingly asked her for a treat.
We kept bumping into each other on campus and she insisted on
treating me as it was her first stipend and all her friends were in delhi. Strangely enough i found her taking me out to chocolate room for a treat where we went to and fro walking. Ramita (that was her name) detailed about her career interests and how she would like to return to IIMA for an internship in the next season as well. She talked of many ambitions and dreams of her academic and career pursuits and i was impressed by her confident self and clear thinking. What struck me was her down to earth attitude , willingness to grow and learn by working hard and ability to focus on the right issues.

we had decided that i will treat her in delhi for a return treat during my next travel as it was very very awkward for me to be treated this way. But that was never to be.
Why would someone open up about their dreams and ambitions to a stranger like me in practically our first ever meeting and talk ?
Why would someone seek to learn from the experiences of my life wihtout even knowing me remotely ?
Why would someone share a happiness with me this way ?
i have answers to none of these in connection with ramita. However i guess there are some pursuits we can never complete and some answers we can never have. i can only thank God for the brief moments where i can share someones happiness and be part of it. i can only thank God for considering me worthy of sharing a special joy like the first earning of a young indian. i can only thank GOD for makign me meet astonishing simple but confident young kids who can shape India's and the global future so differntly with the right training. Ramita could have been one such individual .
Yesterday i discovered on facebook something that was totalyl unexpected. We exchanged hardly one or two off line mesages in september and then i came across this http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=30951019715&ref=mf
This came as a rude shock and brought back the unanswered questions to me. How can death walk in so silently and steal away the unaswers to such ordinary questions and make them so mystic ?
I can only be amazed and dazed by the mystic happenings in life and the unique way it unfolds.. i still wonder what message is stored for me?
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